
Marriage Licenses

Marriage Licenses by County:

What You'll Need In Order to Get a Marriage License
Nina Callaway, About.com
If you're planning to get legally married, there is one thing you mustn't forget – the marriage license. A marriage license is sort of a permit, kind of like a driver's license. It says that you are legally allowed to marry, although obtaining one does not mean that you ARE married. The rules and requirements for obtaining a marriage license vary from state to state and from country to country. To make sure that you have all your ducks in a row, contact your city or town clerk's office who will direct you to the right information. Many towns now have websites with all marriage license requirements spelled out. Some things you will want to know:When: Find out if there is a waiting period, and for how long marriage licenses are valid. You'll likely need to apply in the week or two before your wedding. What documents you'll need: Most states require birth certificates, proof of citizenship and/or residence, and a driver's license or other photo id. If you have been widowed or divorced, you should bring along a copy of the death certificate or divorce decree. Fees and how to pay them If there is a fee, you'll probably need to pay it with a money order or cashier's check, although some states are cash only. Is a blood test required? Some states still ask for a blood test. If you are having a destination wedding, or getting married in a state other than where you live, you'll also want to find out about residency requirements (how long you must be in the county before you can apply).